Chechurin S.L., Chechurin L.S. Physical Fundamentals of Oscillation Theory.
SPb State Polytechnical University, 2005. 258 p. ISBN 5-7422-0850-2.
The book is devoted to the analysis of linear, time-variant and nonlinear system oscillations within a unified frequency approach framework.
Having introduced the fundamental phase and magnitude balance principle, the new results in a number of essential phenomena in nonlinear oscillations are given. Numerous examples of various application fields compose a separate book section.
The book is to be useful for experts in oscillation analysis, theorists as well as engineers dealing with study and design of oscillating systems. Since the presented in the book methods are simple and graphically explicit it could be recommended to assist classical "Oscillation Theory" course for the wide spectrum of technical specialties.
The book is commercially available at SPbSPU book store or contact