Saint-Petersburg olympiads on cybernetics. /Ananyevskiy M.S., Boltunov G.I., Zaicev U.E., Matveev A.S., Fradkov A.L., Shiegin V.V. /Ed. by A.L.Fradkov, M.S.Ananyevskiy. St.Petersburg: Nauka, 2005. - 332p. (In Russian).
ISBN 5-02-025094.
The book contains the material of Saint-Petersburg olympiads on cybernetics for high school students (1999-2005). Both olympiad tasks and solutions to selected tasks are included, as well as additional information: cybernetics related articles, history of olympiads, history of cybernetics, list of cybernetics and control oriented departments in the universities of Saint-Petersburg.
The book is intended for teachers and students of high schools and universities, as well as for researchers and methodologists interested in teaching and popularization of cybernetics and informatics.